Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ajanta and Ellora caves

The World Famous Buddhist Destination AJANTA AND ELLORA CAVES

The world famous Ajanta and Ellora caves are located near the city of Aurangabad in Maharashtra. The cave shrines were all cut out of rock, by hand, and rank amongst some of the most outstanding specimens of ancient Indian architectural heritage. The 34 caves at Ellora and the 29 caves at Ajanta, were remained shrouded in obscurity for over a millennium, till John Smith, a British Army Officer, accidentally stumbled upon them while on a hunting expedition in 1819. The view point from where John Smith first glimpsed the caves, provides a magnificent sight of the U-Shaped gorge and its scenic surroundings. Ajanta has been designated as a World famous Heritage Site, to be preserved as an artistic legacy that will come to inspire and enrich the lives of generations to come. ...its a place no one should ever miss ...

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